Guest blogs from professionals who can provide unique and relevant perspectives to our readers on news, trends, emerging technologies, and other areas of interest connected to IT innovation are published on a regular basis on our site.
1. We solely cover topics on Cloud computing, IoT, AI, Machine Learning, Cryptocurrency, Marketing, Business, and the Connected World.
2. Include a headline in the rules.
3. Don't waste time with extensive introductions instead, get right to the point.
4. 600-1,200 words is the minimum target word count.
5. Include an author bio with details on your expertise that demonstrate why readers should care about your viewpoint on the subject.
6. The post should have no more than two backlinks.
7. Links to problematic sources or sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, casinos, payday loans, or pornography, should be avoided.
8. It is totally forbidden to buy, sell, or trade links that appear in posts.
9. The following types of connections are not permitted in articles: gambling, casino, drugs, violence, real estate, lawyers, porn, adult, and so on. We have the right to delete any and all links from any post at any time. We don't do it very often, but when we do, it's a big deal.
Please send your guest post proposal through the contact form.
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